Saturday, December 3, 2011


Luckily, Jillian Michael's workout isn't hard to memorize because Clint and I went to the gym yesterday and I did the whole workout from memory. It was nice to be able to do it at the gym because they actually had 5 lb weights so the moves I do with a resistance band at home, I got to do with those and it was much better.  I also did a 10 minute walk/run but my calves hurt too much to keep going. They are feeling much better this morning so I think in a day or two I'll be back at it.

Yesterday, I really tried to add more protein which caused me to eat when I wasn't really very hungry.

  • 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with sprinkled habanero cheese, scrambled eggs, half a tomato, baby kale, and 1/8 avocado- 400
  • grapefruit- 100
  • oikos blueberry yogurt with oatmeal and wheat germ- 200
  • banana with peanut butter- 195
  • 4 oz skim milk with a  bit of protein powder- 70
  • 1/3 glass cabernet-40
  • salmon with "chimichurri" sauce (in quotes cos it's not a true chimi) 350
  • ginger mashed sweet potatoes-- 200
  • 3 large olives- 21
Total: 1576

Today I think I will start tracking my protein intake. I will probably use the LIVESTRONG MyPlate to do so. It's always been good with helping me keep track of what I'm eating and how balanced it is. It really is a great website that i need to go to more. I usually keep this great black bean hummus made at all times but I've skipped out recently so I'll remedy that. I also love Smart Ground and tofu so I'll try to add more of those meat substitutes to my diet.  It really is so hard for me because I don't think about protein very much. But I guess this whole journey is about being more aware of what I put in my body so that'll take some work.

I woke up at 115.4. Meh.

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