Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This is my new blog holding myself responsible for my body. I'm not fat. I know that. I'm quite thin, actually. At 5'6.5 and 115.4 lbs, this BMI calculator says I'm just slightly underweight.  However, I'm one of the oh-so-lucky people who accumulates fat in her belly and face and I've never been able to get rid of it. This is what I want gone. I know it's possible so this is me making myself do it.

I will be tracking every calorie that goes through my body and every calorie that I burn. I want results. I want to maintain them. I want to look like this: 

 There is no one to blame but me for not having the body that I want. I will write more tonight. I have plenty  more to say but I must leave now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Although that's not exactly my case, I bet your blog will be pretty interesting! PS. I'm a friend of Edwin and Marisol!
