Monday, February 6, 2012

On the right track

After insane weight fluctuations, I plan on sticking to a healthy, realistic plan. I have managed to get myself back down to 115.2 after blowing it hard and blowing up to 118.6 about a week ago. I've been eating well and only letting myself have small amounts of food that aren't great (think small slice of white bread with butter, a bite of a cookie) and it honestly keeps me from feeling deprived. If I was starving myself and not eating enough calories, I wouldn't be satisfied with the small bits of "bad" food but I let myself have it once I'm full and it has been working well.

The weight is coming off at a reasonable pace. Normally, I can restrict myself enough so that I lose weight fast but I am learning that the weight loss never lasts. After all, it gets to the point where I end up super bingeing because of the restricted calories. No more of that! I have upped my exercise (especially my cardio) and I have a weight loss partner which helps.

February is 300 month for us. We are each doing 300 ab exercises a day in addition to any ab exercises we may do in a workout class. This is going well coupled with running about 1.5 miles a day. I know that isn't much but I'm working my way up. I get tired but the Vibram shoes have me sore in places I'd never imagined so I'm taking it slow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Getting better

117.4 lbs!

Yesterday I upped my protein like whoa and tried to keep my carbs at a low. I do really enjoy fruit and could never cut them out of my diet so my carbs are usually just some type of fruit.

It felt nice to go to the gym yesterday even though I didn't do too much.  I feel like tomorrow I should be able to give a pretty good workout without making my cold any worse.

Just got some exciting news! Will post more later!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I should have kept up

119 lbs. YIKES! I don't think it'll be too long til I can at least get this down to 116 but that number sure does hurt! A mix of holiday food (I wasn't TOO bad but not great either), a trip to Austin, TX (I HAD to try to stuffed avocado... rolled in cheese... and deep fried :/ ), and getting sick the moment I got home.  It was a nice two weeks off of work though. I wish I had taken my vitamins though. Oh well.

I'm not feeling great today but I am going to go to the gym to do some light exercise.  I hate how long it's been since I've had a good workout so it'll be nice to get my heart pumping a bit.

Tracking my calories again.  Going to try to keep my protein high and carbs lower.  Let's see how this all works.