Saturday, December 10, 2011


There are plenty of workouts people can do with injuries but it's a nice excuse to have when you don't want to do something. I could totally use my current injury to help me fail or to find a new way to succeed.

I woke up at 117.2 today. Not great. My poor eating habits come at night with the help of alcohol. I'm ravenous after half a glass of wine! I see why eliminating alcohol from your diet causes you to lose weight! If only concord grapes were still in season, I'd be eating those all day and not even a creme brûlée could tempt me!

Anyway, last night I burned the HELL out of my hand. There was a bit of crying involved and Clint had to go get me some burn spray but it's feeling alright today. After all, I am able to type. With the blisters on my hand, however, it's pretty much impossible to lift weights. This means I get to do my least favorite thing in the world - cardio!!! I bet I will start seeing the pounds melt off with that although the Bob Harper cardio is a bit daunting.  I'll let you know if I can even finish it!

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